Holistic Group Events San Diego

Group sessions are offered throughout the year. Each group is expressly designed towards the needs of the participating members. Groups are dynamic, interactive and incorporate innovative activities, self exploration and creative expression, support and accountability, meditation and mindfulness. Group participation offers challenges and opportunities to practice and enhance interpersonal skills and communication. A sacred safe space is created so that you may find your voice and use it, build confidence, increase self esteem and form true mutually supportive relationships.

• Establish a support system that shares day to day challenges, successes, passions, visions and dreams.
• Create bonds with like-minded souls who share a similar interest in becoming the best versions of themselves.
• Identify and discuss daily and historic challenges and explore solutions.
• Learn or improve upon the practice of meditation and mindfulness.
• Engage in daily group affirmation texts to promote greater awareness, positive intention and change.
• Gain understanding of the value of keeping and honoring commitments through the practice of consistent attendance and involvement.
• Participate in group meditations and incorporate the teachings into a daily personal practice.
• Explore and discover your passions, purpose, desires, thoughts, feelings through innovative projects.
• Express yourself creatively in various artistic mediums, including music, movement, song, photography, design, writing, drawing, acting...
• Increase accountability through group support to create more success in personal and career goals.
• Build community through active participation in activities including potlucks, hikes, yoga, qi gong, authentic sharing.
• Speak truth with one another and practice setting and keeping boundaries.
• Claim and celebrate the authentic self, releasing the dependency on the approval of others to feel good enough.
• Live with integrity, walk the walk, begin to live in accordance with your personal beliefs and values.